"Woman in Target" - 3/24/2018

"Woman in Target"

I first admired your shoes,
little red heels that clinked on
linoleum, patent-leather-looking,
a scuff on the left one.
             Oh ma’am, 
            who are you?
You were picking out cereal.
Pink nails, long dress,
Makeup smudged
around the eye, dark purple.
            Oh ma’am,
            where are you from?
I watched as you took out
your phone
I watched as he glanced over
your shoulder
            Oh ma’am,
            are you alone?
You wore a bracelet
around your wrist,
thick like a shackle,
silver like a promise.
            Oh ma’am,
            where will you go?
He touched your back,
(I saw you wince),
I watched you
shuffle away, red heels.
            Oh ma’am,
            what happened to you?
